We have been quite busy here, as more friends return to their respective villas and find problems, and they turn to us for help.
Once they had made a couple of refinements for us, they asked us what time we would be home. We asked why, and they said it was being delivered that afternoon. We weren't expecting it till the Friday afternoon. We had intended to browse the Izmir shops, and have a leisurely day, but it wasn't panning out that way. We said we'd be back at 8pm, so they phoned the transport and agreed to that, so we went for lunch on the seafront, and a quick look at the shops, and left Izmir just before 6pm. As we were leaving, we had a phone call from the guy delivering the boat to say he was in Yesilkent. Fortunately he was quite prepared to wait for us, so 2 hours later we took delivery of our new acquisition.
A couple of friends came over to help us unload it, and we parked it up in the drive overnight.
Yesterday morning we tied it to the back of the motorbike, and towed it down to the beach. Another friend, who has a similar boat to ours, helped us rig it, and launch it.
We took it out using the electric motor, so that we had plenty of empty ocean around us while we struggled with the sails etc. Being new, nothing runs quite as easily as they will once worn in. We also had to tighten up the mast stays and make adjustments to the rigging, so we needed plenty of open water to play in.
Once we'd got the hang of things, we spent an enjoyable hour and a half just sailing up and down the bay. The wind was very kind to us for our first day out, not too strong, but enough to get going. Having said that, it would have been much too strong to have had the canoe out there, especially in sailing mode. This boat, being constructed for the sea, is more stable and better suited. It's double skinned, which means it can't sink, and is more easily righted should it fall over, which we will try to avoid. As you can see from the picture, we also have a little ladder to climb back into the boat in deep water should we need to. The idea is to anchor off-shore to swim sometimes.
Our friends Pete and Ed were also out sailing, keeping a tactful eye on us, just in case we got into difficulties, but we managed to impress them by jybing on our first run. We feel it's like windsurfing for the aged, you can sit down while you sail.
Oh, haven't told you it's name yet have we?
it's better behaved than it's namesake ever was!!